NES Legend of Zelda 7 Dungeon Walkthrough The Demon

legend of zelda

You are reading a walkthrough guide to get to Dungeon 7 (the demon) and how to beat the dungeon. Please read the follow walkthrough below.

To reach Dungeon 7, also known as “The Demon,” in the original Legend of Zelda game, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain the Recorder: Before accessing Dungeon 7, you need the Recorder item. The Recorder is found in Dungeon 5, also known as “The Lizard.” Make your way to Dungeon 5 and locate the Recorder inside.
  2. Navigate to Level 7’s location: Dungeon 7 is located in the northeastern corner of the Overworld map. It is situated in the graveyard area, surrounded by water. To reach this area, follow these directions:
  • From the starting point of the game, head east until you reach a screen with a waterfall.
  • Continue east from the waterfall screen until you reach a crossroads.
  • At the crossroads, head north until you reach the coast.
  • Once at the coast, head east until you reach a bridge.
  • Cross the bridge and continue east until you find the graveyard.
  1. Find the entrance: Once you’ve reached the graveyard area, explore until you discover a grave that can be pushed. Push the grave aside to reveal a hidden staircase.
  2. Descend into Dungeon 7: Enter the revealed staircase to access Dungeon 7, “The Demon.”

Remember to come prepared with weapons, items, and a full health bar to tackle the challenges that await you in the dungeon.

This is a walkthrough for the seventh dungeon in the original Legend of Zelda game, known as “The Demon.” Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Enter the dungeon and proceed forward to the next room. Defeat the enemies and continue to the right.
  2. In the next room, defeat the enemies and push the blocks to clear the path. Proceed to the right again.
  3. In the following room, defeat the enemies and push the blocks to create a bridge. Cross the bridge and head upward.
  4. In the next room, defeat the enemies and push the blocks to open the door on the right side. Go through the door.
  5. You will now be in a room with moving platforms. Time your movements to cross the platforms and reach the door on the right.
  6. In the next room, defeat the enemies and push the blocks to reveal a staircase. Descend the staircase.
  7. You will find yourself in a room with multiple paths. Take the path to the left and defeat the enemies along the way.
  8. In the next room, defeat the enemies and push the blocks to reveal a key. Pick up the key and backtrack to the previous room.
  9. This time, take the path to the right and defeat the enemies. Push the blocks to reveal another staircase. Descend the staircase.
  10. In the room below, defeat the enemies and push the blocks to create a bridge. Cross the bridge and head to the right.
  11. In the next room, defeat the enemies and push the blocks to open the door on the left side. Go through the door.
  12. You will be in a room with floating skulls and a locked door. Defeat the skulls and use your key to unlock the door.
  13. Proceed to the next room and defeat the mini-boss, Digdogger. Use your bombs to defeat it more easily.
  14. After defeating Digdogger, a staircase will appear. Descend the staircase to reach the dungeon’s final area.
  15. In the final room, defeat the enemies and navigate the maze-like structure to reach the boss door.
  16. Prepare for the boss battle with Aquamentus. Use your sword to strike its horn when it charges at you, avoiding its fireballs.
  17. After defeating Aquamentus, collect the Triforce fragment, and the dungeon will be complete.

Remember to stay well-equipped with a full health bar and essential items like bombs and keys. Good luck on your Legend of Zelda adventure!

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