Outriders Worldslayer Review 5/17/20


Outriders is a cooperative third-person shooter developed by People Can Fly and published by Square Enix. It takes place in a dark and desperate sci-fi world where players assume the role of Outriders, superpowered mercenaries on a mission to explore the planet Enoch. Here’s a general review of the game:

Gameplay: Outriders offers fast-paced and action-packed gameplay. Players can choose from four unique classes, each with their own abilities and playstyles. The game features a cover-based shooting system, but it also encourages aggressive and mobile play with its robust class abilities and skill trees. The combat is satisfying, with a good variety of weapons and powers to use against enemies.

Story: The game’s story revolves around a mysterious anomaly that grants superpowers to the Outriders while also plunging Enoch into chaos. The narrative is filled with political intrigue, factions, and moral dilemmas. While the story starts off strong, some players felt that the pacing and character development could have been improved.

Co-op Experience: Outriders is designed as a cooperative experience, allowing players to team up with friends or random players online. The game supports up to three-player co-op, and the difficulty scales accordingly. Co-op can be a lot of fun, as players can synergize their abilities and strategies, but some players have reported technical issues and connectivity problems during online play.

Progression and Loot: Outriders features a robust loot system, with various rarities and attributes for weapons and gear. Players can customize their characters’ loadouts and tailor their playstyles to suit their preferences. The game has a satisfying sense of progression as you level up, unlock new abilities, and find better gear. However, some players have found the loot drop rates and balance to be a bit frustrating, especially in the endgame.

Endgame Content: Outriders offers endgame content such as expeditions, which are challenging missions designed for high-level characters. These expeditions provide unique rewards and aim to offer replayability. However, some players have expressed concerns about the lack of variety in endgame activities and the repetitive nature of the expeditions.

Technical Issues: At launch, Outriders faced some technical issues and server problems, which caused connectivity and stability problems for players. However, the developers have been actively working on addressing these issues and providing patches and updates to improve the overall experience.

Overall, opinions on Outriders have been mixed. While the game has received praise for its satisfying combat, class system, and cooperative gameplay, some players have criticized its storytelling, technical issues, and lack of variety in endgame content. It’s worth noting that opinions may vary, and it’s always best to try the game yourself or read multiple reviews to get a comprehensive understanding of whether Outriders aligns with your personal preferences as a gamer.

Outriders End game

Outriders offers a decent amount of replay value, particularly for players who enjoy looter shooter games and cooperative gameplay. Here are some factors that contribute to the replayability of Outriders:

  1. Class Variety: Outriders features four distinct classes, each with its own unique abilities, playstyles, and skill trees. This encourages players to try out different classes and experiment with various combinations of skills and powers.
  2. Co-op Multiplayer: The game is designed to be played cooperatively with up to three other players. Playing with friends or joining random co-op sessions can provide a fresh and dynamic experience as you collaborate, strategize, and combine your class abilities for maximum effectiveness.
  3. Loot and Progression: Outriders has a robust loot system with a wide range of weapons, armor, and mods to collect. The desire to find better gear and optimize your character’s build can be a driving force for replaying missions and tackling more challenging content.
  4. Endgame Expeditions: Outriders offers endgame content in the form of expeditions, which are challenging missions designed for high-level characters. These expeditions have multiple tiers and offer unique rewards, encouraging players to push their limits and strive for better completion times.
  5. Skill Tree Customization: The game features an extensive skill tree system that allows players to customize their character’s abilities and playstyles. Experimenting with different combinations and unlocking new skills can provide a sense of progression and incentivize replaying the game with different builds.
  6. Difficulty Levels: Outriders offers different difficulty levels, ranging from easy to challenging. Higher difficulty settings can offer more rewarding loot drops and present tougher enemies, providing an additional challenge for players who seek it.
  7. Future Updates and DLC: Developers often release updates, patches, and DLC expansions for games like Outriders, which can introduce new content, missions, and gameplay enhancements. These updates can extend the game’s replay value by offering fresh experiences and additional challenges.

It’s worth noting that individual preferences may vary when it comes to replay value. Some players may find the repetitive nature of the game’s missions and encounters less appealing over time. However, the combination of class variety, cooperative gameplay, loot progression, and endgame content generally offers a reasonable amount of replayability in Outriders.

Pros and Cons to the game


  1. Satisfying Combat: Outriders offers fast-paced and intense combat with a variety of weapons, abilities, and powers. The gunplay feels impactful, and the combination of shooting mechanics and class abilities provides a satisfying gameplay experience.
  2. Class System: The game features four distinct classes (Devastator, Pyromancer, Technomancer, and Trickster), each with its own unique playstyle and abilities. This allows for diverse gameplay options and encourages players to experiment with different strategies and builds.
  3. Cooperative Gameplay: Outriders is designed to be played cooperatively with up to three other players. Joining forces with friends or other players online can enhance the experience, promoting teamwork, synergy, and strategic coordination.
  4. Loot and Progression: The game’s loot system offers a wide range of weapons, armor, and mods to collect, providing a constant incentive for exploration and replayability. As you progress, you’ll discover more powerful gear, unlocking new abilities and customizing your character’s build.
  5. Challenging Difficulty: Outriders offers multiple difficulty levels, catering to different player preferences. Higher difficulties present greater challenges, offering more rewarding loot and a sense of accomplishment for those seeking a tougher experience.


  1. Story Pacing: Some players have criticized the pacing and storytelling in Outriders. The narrative can feel slow at times, and character development may not be as deep or engaging as desired. However, opinions on the story can vary.
  2. Technical Issues: At launch, Outriders experienced technical problems, including server issues and connectivity problems. While the developers have been actively addressing these issues, some players may have encountered frustrating experiences early on.
  3. Lack of Endgame Variety: While Outriders offers endgame content in the form of expeditions, some players have expressed a desire for more varied endgame activities. This can lead to a sense of repetition and limited options for players seeking long-term engagement.
  4. Loot Balance: Some players have felt that the loot drop rates and balance could be improved. The randomness of loot drops and certain attributes may not always feel rewarding or aligned with player progression.
  5. Lack of PvP: Outriders does not have a dedicated player-versus-player (PvP) mode. While it focuses on cooperative gameplay, some players may miss the competitive aspect that PvP modes offer.

It’s important to note that these pros and cons are based on general player feedback and experiences, and individual opinions may vary. Ultimately, it’s recommended to try the game or watch gameplay footage to see if the pros outweigh the cons for your own preferences and gaming style.

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